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Our Mining process


The process by which China Clay (Kaolin) is made suitable for industrial applications is extensive, requiring large capital investments in equipment and technology. The journey from the mines to the paper, rubber, paint or other industrial consumer involves many phases.

The mining and processing of China Clay (Kaolin) begins with exploration.

When China Clay (Kaolin) deposits are encountered, core samples of the deposits are extracted and sent to a laboratory for testing. Thousands of acres are drilled and thousands of feet of sample are tested to yield a handful of acceptable mining sites. The samples are analyzed to determine the quality and extent of the deposits.

China Clay (Kaolin) quality varies widely from deposit to deposit – and even within the same deposit. Once mined, the crude China Clay (Kaolin) is hauled to a stockpile, where the processing journey begins.

We are Using Word Best Technology.

Why choose us?

We have a large footprint, providing mining services to clients throughout India, operating mine sites in many regions, and shipping products through ports all over India.




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